Litigation Divorce or Mediation Divorce – Which is right for you?

Collaborative Divorce

Litigation Divorce or Mediation Divorce – Which is right for you?

Oftentimes people think that entering a courtroom is the only option for divorce, but mediation is also there for you!  Litigation and mediation are very different processes. Mediation is often preferable for several reasons, aside from the fact that it costs far less than litigation. Let’s go through some of the many differences between litigation


An Intro to Collaborative Law Divorce 

In general, collaborative divorce costs less, is less stressful, takes less time, and gives you more options than the typical divorce process. What is Collaborative Divorce? Collaborative law is where attorneys from both sides of a divorce agree beforehand to work together for a favorable solution for all aspects of the divorce.  This will include


Are second marriages doomed to divorce? Issues That Rise in a Second Marriage

In today’s age, people often assume their first marriage will fail.  Getting married multiple times is now common!  Is this just due to the change in generations, or are there factors that contribute to the rise of divorce rate and the commonality of multiple marriages? According to the Center For Disease Control and Prevention, 75%


How Does Alimony Work in Florida?

Did you know alimony is the area of family law that requires the most litigation?  In short, alimony and spousal support are payments that are meant to alleviate the financial burdens of the dependent spouse following a divorce.  Let’s get into the details about the different types of alimony in Florida and what it means


What is a postnuptial agreement?

Whether it’s from popular mainstream media or from your own friends/family, you’ve definitely heard of a “prenup” or a prenuptial agreement, in full.  But have you heard of a postnuptial agreement?  This can be a helpful Family Law agreement, to plan for any potential changes in the future. A Postnuptial Agreement A postnuptial agreement is