Restraining Order Filed Against You? What to Do

Criminal Defense

The NFL’s Response to Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault

This past summer, the NFL and Commissioner Roger Goodell, dealt with a lot of scrutiny, backlash, public outcry, and a significant amount of disappointment from the leagues fan base, due to the mishandling of domestic violence allegations towards NFL players. The situations of domestic violence and abuse were highly publicized, and since then Commissioner Goodell


CHILD ABUSE: Discipline vs. Criminal Behavior

The recent news of NFL star Adrian Peterson’s indictment on child abuse charges, has produced no shortage of passionate reactions. Not surprisingly, most reactions come from a personal or anecdotal perspective. Using a switch to discipline a child may be abhorable behavior to one person, while perfectly acceptable to another. The intimate, personal, and subjective


Florida Supreme Court weighs in on access to your cell phone

The Florida Supreme Court recently ruled in a 5-2 decision that law enforcement officers do not have unlimited access to your cell phone upon arrest. The case of Smallwood v. State invloved a man arrested and covicted of robbery. Photo evidence used by prosecutors against Mr. Smallwood at trial was retrieved by law enforcement officers upon search of his


The Attorneys of Anton Garcia Law Participate in the 11th Annual Meals on Wheels of Tampa Nourish the Homebound Breakfast

On Thursday morning, Divorce & Family Law Attorney  Christina Anton Garcia served as table captain at the MOW Nourish the Homebound Breakfast.  Each year the organization hosts a breakfast to educate the public on their mission and raise funds to help support the homebound and seniors in Tampa, FL.  Criminal Defense & Personal Injury  Attorney