The NFL’s Response to Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault

The NFL’s Response to Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault

NFL and sexual assault law

This past summer, the NFL and Commissioner Roger Goodell, dealt with a lot of scrutiny, backlash, public outcry, and a significant amount of disappointment from the leagues fan base, due to the mishandling of domestic violence allegations towards NFL players. The situations of domestic violence and abuse were highly publicized, and since then Commissioner Goodell and his team have been trying hard to learn what they can about the issues and find the most appropriate way to handle them in the future.

Acknowledging the fact the no one can prevent these heinous crimes from being committed, the NFL has plans to move forward with ways to help protect and prevent the players, coaches, staff, and families of those who need it from domestic violence and sexual assault before it happens. “The NFL’s goals are to learn how to get help for those within the NFL who are impacted by domestic violence and sexual assault and help to prevent it going forward, use the NFL platform to work towards changing long-standing social norms that include shame, blame and a general unwillingness on the part of many to discuss these issues out in the open, and help fill gaps in service that resulted directly from the high-profile nature of the domestic violence cases being dealt with in the NFL.”

Thus far the league has implemented education and individual Support, formed critical response teams, updated the personal conduct policy, supported leading domestic violence and sexual assault awareness and prevention groups, driven the conversation around domestic violence and sexual assault, and promoted programs that develop the character of young people.

This is just the beginning of what the NFL hopes to contribute to making a real change in our society. They have the drive, determination, and the right people in place to make a difference.

For more information on the NFL and it’s policies regarding Domestic Violence and Abuse check out’s article.

For any legal help regarding criminal domestic violence please contact an attorney at 813-907-9807, or use our secure form to request a free criminal consultation.