Should I Date During My Divorce?

Should I Date During My Divorce?

Waiting for your divorce to be finalized can seem like it takes forever and the thought of dating will more than likely cross your mind during this time.

However, the idea of dating during a divorce can be a touchy subject.

While there’s no right or wrong answer, in this blog post, we’re covering some of the important factors to consider before making your decision to put yourself out there again.

Dating During a Divorce? Three Things to Consider

Are you fighting with your ex over money?

If you feel that your ex has the potential to be vindictive if he or she finds out that you’re dating, tread lightly. They could leverage the fact that you’re dating against you to get more money from the settlement.

Do you have kids together?

Mindfulness is imperative when considering dating during a divorce especially if you and your partner have kids together. 

During this time, it’s a good idea not introduce your children to your new partner as they are working through understanding a new family dynamic and grieving the loss of the family they once knew. 

If you’re unfortunately in the midst of a bitter custody battle, consider putting dating on the back burner as your family should be a top priority during this contentious time period.

The divorce is mutual

If you and your ex decided to amicably split, then dating could be OK in your situation. However, it’s still important to be cognizant of how your ex will take the news that you’re seeing someone else. 

Overall, dating during a divorce should be treated as a case-by-case basis. As mentioned before, there’s no right or wrong answer. 

It all boils down to your individual situation. 

While your ex might seem to approve your dating at first, they could in time take a turn and use it against you to get more money, property, belongings, etc. 

At the end of the day, the choice is yours but consider these factors when deciding if dating during your divorce is right for you.