6 Great Ways to Get Along Better With Your Partner

6 Great Ways to Get Along Better With Your Partner

Contrary to what we’re led to believe on social media, there’s no such thing as a perfect relationship.

Every relationship has its fair share of ups and downs. It’s life. It’s what’s to be expected.

But, with those ebbs and flows comes disagreements and friction and rather than let them fester, there are ways to navigate past these relationship hurdles and come out stronger on the other side.

In this blog post, we’re uncovering six ways to get along better with your partner.

Be patient

Patience is a virtue and that’s especially true when it comes to your relationship. It’s easy to lose our cool. After all, between work, kids, and other commitments, we’re constantly being pulled in different directions.

But, that’s not an excuse to not have patience with the one we love.

If your spouse is late to pick up your kids from school, don’t freak out.

If your boyfriend/girlfriend forgets to pick something up at the grocery store, don’t berate them.

Instead, challenge yourself to bite your tongue and give yourself time to cool down and then respond.

Practicing patience will help you become a better partner.

Focus on the positives

Nobody is perfect. We all have our flaws and it’s what we do with those shortcomings that make the ultimate difference.

Rather than focusing on your partner’s flaws, shift your mindset and refocus on their positive attributes. What made you fall in love with him/her in the first place? What does he/she do that puts a smile on your face?

If you focus too heavily on their shortcomings, you’ll magnify their flaws which will inhibit you from seeing the good in them.

Now, this doesn’t mean that you should ignore major red flags. What it does mean is that if your spouse has a knack for leaving dishes in the sink, you shouldn’t treat them as your arch nemesis.

Be their biggest fan

When you’re in a relationship, you’re part of a team and being part of a team requires that you’re your partner’s biggest fan.

If your partner has a long-time goal or aspiration, do your best to be in their corner cheering them on. Lend them your ear when they need to vent and offer a helping hand whenever possible.


As much as you want to be, you can’t be right all of the time. Part of being in a relationship is understanding the value in compromise. If you’re continually at odds with your partner trying to prove you’re right, you’re going to lose steam and become resentful. To avoid that, it’s important that you realize that finding common ground isn’t a sign of weakness but rather a sign of strength.

Compromise is an essential factor in a good relationship.


Ambiguity can lead to arguments. It’s for this reason that you should make a concerted effort to over-communicate with your spouse. When you leave things unsaid this creates space for interpretation which can ultimately lead to a misunderstanding.

Be specific and intentional with your communication.

Express your appreciation

When you’re in a relationship, you’re part of a team and being part of a team requires that you’re your partner’s biggest fan.

If your partner has a long-time goal or aspiration, do your best to be in their corner cheering them on. Lend them your ear when they need to vent and offer a helping hand whenever possible.