Why January is the Biggest Month for Divorce Filings

Why January is the Biggest Month for Divorce Filings

As we welcome January with a new year and new ambitions, we also enter into what is known by many law professionals as “Divorce Month”. Sadly enough, it is a real phenomenon with numbers to back it up. According to statistics published by eDivorcePapers.com, January has the most legal breakups than any other month of the year. Divorce consultant, Cathy Meyer agrees, “Absolutely. January consistently sees the most divorce filings. It just really amazes me, though it probably shouldn’t…my own husband left in January.” Some will even go as far to label a particular date in January as “D-Day”. The Legal Services Commission claims that “the first Monday after the kids return to school” sees the most filings, while the Telegraph said “the start of the first full working week after the holidays” is the year’s biggest divorce day.

Why January?

Meyer, who also founded DivoricedWomenOnline.com, says that although January is the biggest month for divorce, the prep begins before year end. “I see a huge increase in pageviews and searches the day after Christmas. People start looking for information before the New Year starts, but they can’t do much until the attorneys are back in the office. January 12-16 seems to be the magic week for filings.”

Meyer believes there are many other reasons people wait until the first month of the year to pull the divorce trigger, especially for families with children. “What I hear from my clients is that they were struggling with the marriage before the holiday season. If they have children, the holidays are supposed to be a magical time, so they commit to giving the kids one last happy holiday as an intact family. By January, if it’s still not working, they know it’s time to move on.”

Other experts claim that many of the cases seen in January are the result of year-end reflections and resolutions. “Unhappy spouses assess their situation and say to themselves, ‘I just can’t take another year like this.’ The holidays are also a time when emotions run high and if you are unhappy or angry in your marriage, the holidays may push those feelings to the breaking point,” states James Gross, a Maryland-based divorce attorney.

Simply put, the decision to divorce is never an easy one and a process that you shouldn’t go through alone. It’s far too complex with emotions running far too high. If you or your spouse is planning to file for divorce this January, protect your best interests with a knowledgeable and experienced divorce attorney. At Anton Garcia , we have five divorce and family law attorneys working around the clock during the month of January that will help guide you through the process and work to represent your best interest. For more information or to schedule a consultation, please contact us today at 813- 907-9807.