Guide to Filing a Restraining Order

domestic violence

Domestic Violence: Where to Go and What to Know

Domestic violence is defined by a pattern of controlling behaviors – violence or threats of violence – that one person uses to establish power over an intimate partner in order to control that partner’s actions and activities. It is not a disagreement or an anger-management problem; it is abusive, disrespectful, and hurtful behaviors that one


Domestic Violence Injunctions

Domestic violence is a pattern of aggressive and coercive behaviors that one partner in a relationship uses to gain power or control over the other. This type of abuse can be physical, sexual, emotional, economic, or psychological. Domestic violence behaviors are intended to intimidate, manipulate, threaten, isolate, frighten, coerce, or injure someone. If you are


The Many Faces of Casa Masquerade

On Friday October 4, 2013, Christina Anton Garcia and her husband, Gary Garcia, attended the annual Casa Masquerade. CASA (Community Action Stops Abuse), is an organization that has been in the Tampa Bay area since 1977. They provide refuge, crisis intervention, advocacy, professional training and community outreach to victims of domestic violence. The Many Faces