How To Divide Marital Assets in High-Income Divorce


How Adultery Can Affect Divorce in Florida, a No-Fault Divorce State

Under Florida divorce law, Florida is a “no-fault” state, which means either party can ask the court for a divorce without proving the specific reasoning behind seeking the divorce. The spouse seeking a divorce simply needs to state that the marriage is “irretrievably broken” thus relieving the courts of deciding who was at fault and sparing both parties having to talk about personal issues like


Planning For “What If” Before You Say “I Do”

Most people don’t get married thinking about – let alone planning for – divorce but the fact of the matter is divorce happens. And while it’s certainly not a romantic notion to think about ‘what if’ while you say ‘I do,’ it’s also not a terrible idea, either. Even those who aren’t rich or famous


Florida Group calls for Alimony Overhaul

“Until death do us part“ can take on an entirely different meaning when divorce proceedings lead to permanent alimony payments for one party or another. Currently, a group known as F.A.R. or Florida Alimony Reform is pushing the state legislature to follow in the footsteps of states such as Massachusetts and New Jersey and bring