Divorce with Children: Blended Families and “Our Child”


Moving Out and Moving On During a Divorce

Moving Out and Moving On During a Divorce   Moving from one home to another is stressful, regardless of the situation. But, moving out during a divorce is stressful, emotional, and exhausting. However, there is a silver lining. Moving out also means moving on. Although the marital home may have happy memories, it is also


If Someone Bet You That They Could Predict Your Divorce with a 93% Accuracy Rate, Would You Take It?

If you haven’t heard of John Gottman, or don’t know who he is, think of him as the ‘father’ of marriage counseling and relationships. John Gottman is most commonly known for his ability to predict if a couple will divorce with over a 90% accuracy rate, within 15 minutes of observing their interactions. How does


The Differences in Calculating and Awarding Alimony and Child Support

There are a number of differences between the way alimony and child support are calculated and awarded.  First, child support is unable to be waived, whereas alimony is. Second, child support is based on a formula, and alimony is not. Third, child support has a clear start and end date, whereas alimony has the possibility


Activities to Combat Anxiety and Depression While Going Through Divorce

It is extremely common for people going through divorce to experience periods of depression and anxiety. This is due to many things. If you are the person that filed, you are probably experiencing a lot of emotions from built up frustration, disappointment, or hurt.  If you are the person who was on the receiving end