Is My Spouse a Narcissist? 

Is My Spouse a Narcissist? 

When we first talk to clients during a consultation call, one of the most common things we hear is “help, my spouse is a narcissist!” While the word is often overused, narcissists are extremely toxic in marriages. Knowing what they are and how to spot one can be important for any relationship, especially when you’re married. 

In order to properly identify narcissists and be properly informed on the topic, we’re breaking down everything you need to know in this post. 

First Things First… 

If you state right now that “my spouse is a narcissist,” you might be mistaken. Just because they have accountability issues and an inflated ego, does not make him or her a narcissist. Without proper analysis by a mental health professional, it’s often difficult to diagnose. 

What Makes Your Spouse A “Narcissist”?

Narcissistic Personality Disorder, or NPD, can be so difficult to spot, that even some therapists can be duped. On the Antisocial Personality Disorder Scale, it ranges from NPD to Psychopathy and Sociopathy. Narcissistic personality disorder can be described as a disorder that impairs the ability for a person to feel empathy for others (whereas psychopaths and sociopaths have an inability to feel empathy). There is hope for your spouse if they suffer from NPD, but the success rates aren’t very high, and it can be a very long and tiring path to treatment.

Traits of a Narcissist

Most narcissists don’t know that they are narcissists, and therefore will not admit to being one. Narcissists have an impaired ability to feel empathy. This impairment causes issues in how they treat others because they won’t feel bad for their wrong acts, or even acknowledge their wrong acts as wrong.

They are usually extremely charismatic, charming, attractive and likable individuals, while also being stubborn and impatient. In fact, they also typically make good business executives because of their ability to remove emotions from tough decisions. 

Common Behaviors Associated with Narcissists Include:

  • They blame others for things that go wrong
  • They tell others how they should feel
  • They insult, gaslight and name call
  • They show extreme jealousy
  • They humiliate others
  • They will exaggerate accomplishments and skills

All these characteristics are mentioned to give a look at the bigger picture of a narcissist. However, as stated above, actually diagnosing a person as a narcissist is extremely difficult to do and should be left up to a professional.  

If you have any questions about this topic, collaborative divorce or how to move forward with one in the Tampa Bay area, then hire one of the top divorce lawyers. Call us: (813) 907-9807


Anton Garcia Law  

(813) 907-9807