5 Ideas for Enjoying Spring Break at Home with the Kids

5 Ideas for Enjoying Spring Break at Home with the Kids

COVID-19 and spring break have collided and now our kids are at home for longer than we anticipated. 

As we forge ahead with staying home and avoiding non-essential trips into the general public, we’re now tasked with keeping our kids occupied day-in and day-out. 

Though a tall task and one that makes us appreciate our kids’ teachers even more, it doesn’t have to be looked at as a chore!

That’s why we put together a list of five ideas to creatively make the most of this time at home with your kids. 

Check it out!

Teach your kids how to cook

With extra time on our hands, we have the wiggle room to slow down and not rush through putting meals on the table. Companies like Raddish Kids are now offering programs like Suddenly Homeschooling?. They’re providing parents and kids with an at-home cooking camp, cooking lessons on Facebook, and family-friendly recipes. Not only will your kids be proud of their creations, they’ll also be more apt to eat them! 

Clean out the playroom

Cleaning and fun are usually never found in the same sentence. But, when you have to stay at home with your kids, you’re going to have to find ways to beat the boredom. If the playroom in your house is chronically messy, use this time to give it a good clean. How can you do that? By making it a game! Here are some ideas:

Set a timer 

It’s a race against the cleaning clock! Set a timer and challenge your kids to neatly put away as much as they can in the specified time period.

Play Music

There’s nothing like musical motivation! Play your kids’ favorite music and have some fun while you encourage them to clean up their space.

Roll the Dice

Assign a chore to each number from 1 – 6. When your child rolls the dice, they’ll have to do whatever chore is associated with the number they rolled. Keep going until all of the chores are checked off the list!

Take a virtual field trip

As we’re advised to stay in our homes and limit non-essential trips, that inhibits our ability to take our kids out and about to museums, the zoo and other educational spots. But, that doesn’t have to stop you. Luckily, many popular tourist destinations are offering access to online exhibits! Travel the world and explore its beauty from the comfort of your home. Here’s a quick list of places that are offering virtual access to their facilities:


Find time every day to sit down as a family and read. Up the ante and turn the TV and all electronics off, grab a bunch of blankets and pillows, throw them on the living room floor, and create a comfortable reading space for everyone to cozy up with the book of their choice. If you want to switch things up, check out Storytime from Space. This is a cool offering for your kids as they’ll be able to listen to an astronaut in space read them a story!

Get creative with arts & crafts

Arts and crafts are a great way to break up the monotony of the day. Pinterest is an amazing resource to find creative activities to do with your kids as are sites like Happiness is Homemade and Art Bar Blog. These websites are giving parents ideas for arts and crafts they can do at home with their kids using what’s already in and around the house. 

As they always say and especially during spring break and a quarantine, “The days are long but the years are short.” No matter the activity you choose, make it a point to create some amazing memories with your kids.