Everything You Need to Know About Narcissism

Everything You Need to Know About Narcissism

One of the most common statements our attorneys at Anton Garcia Law hear is “I think my spouse is a narcissist.” This has led us to write several blog posts on the topic to clear the air about the confusing and frustrating subject. 

Overall, we’ve found that the term ‘Narcissist’ is heavily overused in the world these days.  That’s not to say that narcissists don’t exist. They do and they can be extremely toxic in relationships.

In this blog post, we’re rounding up important facts about narcissism, how you can spot it in your relationship and what to do if you’re in a relationship with one. 

First Let’s Define “Narcissist”

According to Merriam-Webster, a narcissist is defined as an extremely self-centered person who has an exaggerated sense of self-importance.  

Now, there’s a difference between having a healthy sense of self-confidence and becoming completely self-absorbed, the latter is the common description of a narcissist.

From reacting aggressively to criticism and taking advantage of others for personal gain, the traits associated with narcissism can vary based on the person.

Three common signs that someone might be a narcissist: 

  1. They care a lot about their self image
  2. They lack empathy
  3. They steal the spotlight… frequently

Most narcissists don’t know that they are narcissists, and therefore will not admit to being one. Unfortunately, it is just the way their brain is wired, which can make it all the more difficult to spot it and treat it.

What to do if you Think You’re Married to One

It’s easy to say “my spouse is a narcissist” without a proper diagnosis. In order to take the next step in getting your spouse help or making a decision about whether or not to stay in your relationship, it’s important to have a psychologist properly diagnose your spouse with Narcissistic Personality Disorder. 

My Spouse was Diagnosed. Now What? 

This is a tricky question and the answer is ultimately up to you. If you’re unhappy in your relationship and you feel you should leave, it’s important to take the next steps to get the help you need from an attorney. 

If you are married or dating a person with NPD, there is hope. The disorder can be treated. 

The treatment is a long process, and very emotionally draining for all parties, but if you can get your partner on board, there are many people who are able to recover, or at a minimum, develop skills to manage some of the negative behaviors associated with the disorder.

How do I move on from a Narcissistic Partner? 

Overcoming narcissistic abuse does not come easy, but it is possible. Here are ways to get your life back after living with a spouse with NPD:

  1. Look to your close friends and family for emotional support
  2. Understand that you may not get any closure
  3. Seek out professional help
  4. Educate yourself on NPD so you know what signs to look for in the future 


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Anton Garcia Law


(813) 907-9807