The Rights Of Pregnant Women

The Rights Of Pregnant Women

Olympic gold Medalist Bode Miller is currently in a bitter custody battle with former lover and mother to his son, Sarah McKenna. The custody dispute between Miller and McKenna has been going on since the birth of their son in February. Originally, a New York State official ruled in favor of Miller, claiming that McKenna was irresponsible and reprehensible when she chose to leave California and move to NYC while 7 months pregnant. This granted Miller custody of his son in May.

Since then, this ruling has raised serious questions about a mother-to-be and her rights. Women’s rights advocates were enraged by the court’s decision, claiming it was a threat to the rights of pregnant women and their ability to make decisions over their own lives. Miller has also been accused of legally changing his son’s name without permission from McKenna.

Will this case set precedent for the rights of pregnant women? Will New York Courts uphold their original decision to give Miller full custody, and allow the name change without permission of the baby’s mother? The custody battle still rages on.


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